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NPQH Application 2019-20

NPQH Application 2019-20

This resource will be of great use for anyone applying for the NPQH course from 2019 onwards. Completed on the latest form this will give you a clear idea of what kinds of examples and comments to write based on your own experiences.
Department Budget Calculator

Department Budget Calculator

A generic spreadsheet for any subject/faculty leader to forecast photocopying costs for the whole year. Helps to budget, plan expenditure and bid for more!
Class Quiz Leaderboard

Class Quiz Leaderboard

You can use this resource with any subject and key stage. The excel document helps you to RAG students test/quiz scores, see cumulative scores and nominate a gold, silver and bronze winner after a topic/term/year. I often have students peer assess then call out results during the register. There is enough space for 30 students and 20 quizzes. The document automatically colours codes scores - red=1-3, yellow=4-6, green=7-10 to show understanding. Also helps to plan intervention with student flagged as 'red'. If students are absent the box remains blue.
Teach Meet Presentation

Teach Meet Presentation

In this presentation I shared 5 things in 5 minutes at our school's end of term TeachMeet (December 2013). Here are some pictures I used as prompts to explain each activity.